Configuring Server Monitoring Alarms with Rackspace

A technical computing function that previously required users to understand a coding script was redesigned to work as a web interface interaction that required little knowledge of the code and was more encouraging to novice users.

What is Rackspace? What are computer servers?

Do you have a website or web app you need to be on the internet? Rackspace can help you with that. They can host your site/app on their servers for a monthly fee, as Rackspace has servers—a lot of them. In fact, they have a whole suite of I.T. products to run your internet operation, whether it be a blog or a streaming video site.

You can think of a server as a physical machine that runs your site or app. This machine is similar to your personal laptop, as it has a CPU, RAM, hard drive, etc. Every time someone visits your site or app, the server’s resources (CPU, RAM, etc.) are used. If your site/app is highly trafficked by people, then you may need multiple servers, as well as ways to manage your servers. If your server is overloaded, it will crash, which means your users cannot see or use your site/app.

Monitoring your servers

You don’t want your server to ever crash, as it will stop your visitors from being able to use your app or buy the things you are selling online. To understand the health of your Rackspace servers’ resources, a internal product team developed a server monitoring product that works through the command line interface (CLI). There are also product teams that work on surfacing such technologies into Rackspace’s web control panels. While some of the monitoring concepts were converted into smooth user interactions in the control panels, one of the more technical monitoring configurations—server monitoring alarms—was presented in the interface in a way that only the most knowledgeable users were confident with:

At Rackspace, I worked on the Rackspace Intelligence product team, which focused on bringing an in-depth server monitoring experience in the control panels to customers. The time finally came on the product roadmap to revamp the task of configuring monitoring alarms into a more approachable and digestible process, which I was able to lead the design efforts on.

Great for some, not so much for others

Having the monitoring alarm configuration in the UI shown as lines of code works well for advanced users. However, messing around with the literal code is off putting and overwhelming to those who don't understand it, and learning technical server monitoring concepts is not and should not be a priority to most users.

I worked with the original design team that made the design decisions on the control panels, which also set the foundation for the modern Rackspace UX design patterns. From my time with them, I was able to understand why certain things (good and bad) were designed the way they were, as well as empathized with them on the challenges in working with a very technical software development environment.

Who's trying to configure monitoring on their servers?

While there are a variety of personas and user mental models across all the Rackspace product offerings, for this redesign, we concentrated on the following groups of users:

Power users that manage fleets of servers through automation and the CLI, but use the control panel to configure monitoring alarm scripts as it is quicker

People who have a few servers whose default alarms go off as false flags, thus annoying them and creating support tickets

Customer support who manage customers' servers (paid service)

Customer support who work on customer support tickets

Customer support was our main source of feedback on our redesign ideas, for they interact with customers and customers’ servers. The key performance metric the redesign was attempting to reach was to have fewer server monitoring customer support tickets generated from false alarms. If the redesign can make it easier for users to understand how to set up monitoring alarms correctly, customer support would have to deal with a lot less support tickets from false flags in badly configured monitoring alarms.

During my time at Rackspace, I interviewed and shadowed customer service people through conference calls and in person at the Texas headquarters. A good set of data about their tasks, goals, and needs was gathered over time. That knowledge also was a factor in this redesign task.

Design direction

Brainstorming with the team led to some creative and interesting ideas for the redesign. But given the timeframe and how an enterprise company works in regards to any type of change to existing products, I had to be a bit more realistic and tactical in what could be accomplished in development. Here are some of the criteria that shaped the design direction:

Collaboration across product teams

Changes in how monitoring works in the web app interface need to be agreed upon by a couple of teams that have different product roadmaps and product leaders from our team. For example, any of the UI redesign ideas will most likely need the API monitoring team to spend some time tweaking their API. How much of a UI redesign can be accomplished may rely on how many changes to the API the other teams are willing to work on.

Balancing between new and established design patterns

An internal Rackspace UX design library filled with design patterns, components, and information architecture exists to unify all the product interfaces. Walking the line between sticking with convention and breaking away to design something better optimized for the problem at hand is something that a designer faces often, especially on products that existed before one joined the company. And to top it off, agreement from the internal UX library stakeholders is necessary to move forward.

Nuanced monitoring concepts

A strong understanding of the monitoring API is needed to ensure that whatever redesign does happen covers as many edge cases as we can uncover. This is especially true when trying to make sure the monitoring functions the advanced users have set on their servers in the CLI surfaces well in the web interface.

Server Monitoring UI Redesign

The average user is not motivated to write or edit server monitoring alarms in a coding script. As the ideation stage continued and our understanding of the monitoring API documentations increased, a team developer and I realized that the API served up simple examples of alarm coding scripts. From a technical perspective, a list of example alarms can be easily modified frequently without interrupting the other teams. If we can serve up a list of example scripts in the API, we can convert those scripts into interactive buttons, numbers, and other widgets in the web interface.

The following design shows how users, whether novice or more advanced, can modify the monitoring alarm parameters and thresholds in the web interface.

Step 1: Choose a preset alarm

The task is broken down into two steps—the first step is for the user to choose an alarm from a list that we have defined. Advanced users can also create an alarm from scratch

Support text gives the user better context for what each alarm is. Note: final descriptions are more human-friendly compared to the image.

Step 2: Basic Settings

The next step is to decide on the thresholds and parameters of the alarm. Every single field is set to general default for low maintenance servers. Users can modify them to better fit the usage of their servers.

Live metrics of their server are shown to better give context on what parameters they should set.

Settings for Advanced Users

For those who need more complex alarms, they can write their own. A good amount of guiding text and links help users learn how to write one.

When switching over to advance mode from basic, the input box is prefilled with the coding script of the basic alarm.

A closer look at the design

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An alarm can utilize an assortment of server metrics. In the advanced mode, there are descriptions of each metric and examples of how to write it into the code.
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Live, updating metrics of their server is shown to give the user context on what parameters they should set.
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Advance mode: After writing the alarm criteria and parameters, the user can test to see if the code script is valid
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Inline call-to-action links to let the user know they can go to another mode.
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It is not possible for in the system to switch between a custom alarm script the user has written in the advanced mode to the basic mode. A message appears to confirm that the user wants modes and lost the data.
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Edge case: An alarm can be triggered upon creation due to server's resource usage at the moment. A message appears to notify the user before right before the alarm is created to alleviate any concerns.

Iterating on Feedback

To get to the redesign above, we had to gather feedback and go through a few iterations via usability testing and interviews. Collaborating with a UX researcher and another designer, we had customer support people interact with the design ideas we initially felt confident in. Here are some of them:

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One of the initial ideas was to have the basic and advanced modes be divided into two tabs, as tabbed content was a prominent Rackspace design pattern. Upon testing of this design, we found out that the density of information and interaction required to complete this particular task was confusing and overwhelming the user.
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Selecting preset alarms with descriptions here would populate content on the page below. This presentation of a selectable number of preset alarms was not clear to the user.
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Selecting preset alarms with descriptions here would populate content on the page below. This presentation of a selectable number of preset alarms was not clear to the user.
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Live server metrics hidden in a popover--this was hard for the user to find, which is not good when this content is vital.
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Another way to show live server metrics--this layout does not work well to display all the different metric details.

Play around with a UI prototype that was used early in testing:  


The redesign was developed soon after I departed from my interaction designer role at Rackspace. From what I followed up on, the redesign did meet the goals and KPIs and affected the number of monitoring-related support tickets in customer support's weekly queue. While still not the best it could be, the redesign was a quality iteration in the right direction, as it was one of the biggest pain points of the monitoring concept since the control panel’s inception.

Case Study Q&A

Why don't servers come with alarms by default?

Some basic alarms are created by default when the user creates (buys) more servers. At that time, Rackspace did not know the nuanced context in which people use the servers, so it is hard to set smart default thresholds on complex alarms.

Wouldn’t the ability to create/modify a bunch of alarms at once be useful?

One of the pros for users to use the CLI and learn how the API works is that they can create bulk actions for everything. Other than bulk delete, users do not have any bulk actions in any Rackspace control panel. For that to happen, it would require a huge concentrated effort from a majority of the product teams.

If the redesign is not the best, then what would make it better?

While not mentioned in the case study, the information architecture of the control panels compartmentalize server concepts—in this case, server monitoring. Aiming to have the server monitoring concept perceived more peripherally by the user may be the direction to go.

However, the software design process that I abide to is not about making major changes all at once, but a battle of iterations, esp. in a big company whose teams aren't exactly working towards the same company performance metrics.

Notes and past WIPs
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Diagram mapping the monitoring API concepts to user workflow in creating/modifying alarms.
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Diagram mapping different products that use the monitoring API.
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Parsing out the user journey from the data gathered from in-person shadowing of customer support people.
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A user description (not profile) made from data gathered from in-person shadowing of customer support people.
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Interaction concept that may make its way into a future design iteration when certain technical obstacles are resolved.
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Images gather from different products and services on how to visually display stages (or steps) in a interface.

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