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Why I blissmo: I believe that it matters how responsibly we live, whether we're deciding how to operate a business or picking a spot for dinner. I blissmo because it makes it easy for consumers to make the right decisions, while providing support to businesses that are doing the right thing.
Why I blissmo: As a lover of people, cultures, and landscapes, I have always believed that we should feel connected to everything we do and buy. Often, the person or story behind the products we buy is not always in our consciousness.
Why I blissmo: I blissmo because I believe that sustainable living can be both affordable and fun, and blissmo helps prove that to the world. I also think that sustainable businesses provide a powerful solution to our world's most pressing social and environmental problems.
Why I blissmo: Every dollar we spend is a vote in support of the way a product or service is sourced, produced & delivered. I blissmo because I’m excited to shift the way we spend our dollars towards more sustainable businesses, products & services for a healthier & happier people & planet. For more on the power I believe we have as consumers, check out this guest post in GreenTechMedia. Plus, I enjoy discovering organic & eco-friendly products :)
Why I blissmo: Waste not; want not. I blissmo because the products and brands featured share my values in taking an active effort at being kinder to our world. Whether it's the recycled materials, solar powered facilities, organic ingredients, or minimal packaging – I know what I am buying will be better our planet.
Why I blissmo: As a lover of people, cultures, and landscapes, I have always believed that we should feel connected to everything we do and buy. Often, the person or story behind the products we buy is not always in our consciousness.